Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Shameless Self-Promotion Attempt #1

(Composed Sept. 18, 2007 from the heart of City Dock)

I sit here in the window on an utterly perfect September afternoon overlooking Annapolis City Dock, venti decaf within grasp, attempting to compose (what I hope will be) the most difficult entry to this new Internet adventure of mine: to convince you, that these publicly posted personal musing will be not only somewhat entertaining, but perhaps even informative and inspirational.

I'm confident you will be vaguely captivated by my story because the preceding 18 months have been undeniably fascinating .....to me at least.

In March of 2006 I was a 24 year-old college educated nanny trying to look busy in my search for a "real job" within commuting distance of my parents house while secretly praying God might suddenly draft me as a foot solider in some Apocalyptic battle, thereby saving me that whole interview process and retirement planning.

Today I am one of the "most professional men and women in the [airline] industry....highly trained in emergency procedures" and "dedicated to clean safe and affordable air transportation".

I've been coast to coast in the US, touched down on three continents and 5 time zones and moved my 2001 Saturn full of my earthly possessions to three addresses in New Jersey. Along the way I've gained 35 lbs (that's actually a good thing), an incredible group of friends, and a lot of perspective.

Since nothing encourages existential contemplation and desperate pleas for divine revelation quite like an ATC delay, I'm convinced that life as a reserve flight attendant is such an effective metaphor for the temporary incarnation of our immortal souls, it is worth entrusting to that most venerated of records: the blogspot.

And so, if you are a friend who might actually care where I am, or a new acquaintance through this Internet endeavour, I invite you aboard.

1 comment:

  1. Genevieve, Welcome to the dysfunctional world of aviation!! I only wish that blogs were around when I started flying in 91- or maybe better that some things are forgotten!! Bring your camera on EVERY trio and document everything. If only for blackmail.
