If you are of a Freudian persuasion, you might suspect my blogging dry spell is repression of four months of being back on reserve. While reserve life certainly does leave it's psychological scars, more likely I've just been lazy. But don't feel slighted, as far as work goes, all you've missed is an updated schedule of airport alerts.
For those of you who haven't turned on a TV or radio, browsed a newspaper or spoken to another adult human for about 10 months, I regret to inform you that our economy is in a little trouble right now.
Last summer, anticipating a downturn, my airline offered flight attendants COLAs (company-offered-leaves of absence) for four, five or nine months. While on COLA FA's retain full seniority and health benefits, but basically don't work (and therefore don't get paid). Enough people chose this option, so no one had to be involuntarily furloughed.
This began in October, and the whole thing worked out GREAT for me because COLAs were granted in seniority order, so people above me took a few months off and I was able to hold a line (and there for my own destiny) for four fun-filled months! I worked a lot and it was fantastic. I picked up great layovers where I got to play tourist and visit friends.
But January brought the first round of returning Flight Attendants and the good times came to a screeching halt. Not only was I back on reserve, but I wasn't even used.
For the first time in two and a half years I didn't break my guarantee and I made only $75 in per diem (opposed to over $400 in December). When I did work, the trips were unproductive and unglamorous. But more often than not, the only time I donned the navy blue poly-blend was to sit Airport Alert.
So really, I've spared you four months of work complaints.
But though my wings have been clipped, I haven't stopped exploring.
Thanks to the works of Leo Tolstoy, Peter Kreeft and St. Francis de Sales I've visited 19th century Russia, Heaven and deep into my own soul respectively. If you count the Killers concert in January, I've not only hit NYC, but Cloud 9 as well!
And all this time grounded in New Jersey has given me more time with my friends here.
On March 5, season two of the Claire and Aaron show premiered by
I've also had the chance to "bond" with the cafe regulars at
So now, with the weather becoming more spring-like (I've gotten to take out the bike a few times already) coupled with hopes of increased summer flying (I just placed my bids for May, and I'm eagerly awaiting good news), I'm off to sit- you guessed it- Airport Alert at 7pm. After the 4:15 am and 6 am assignments of the past few weeks, even that seems like a treat.
I am flying to LA tomorrow...wish you were going to be on MY flight so we could chat knitting over America. All best....Carol