The fundamental problem with maintaining said blog is that when one has time to do things like write blog entries, it generally means that one is not doing things that make exciting reading. Combine that with a perfectionist streak and the attention span of a mosquito and you end up with no less than four "unpublished drafts".
Then concerned friends start to ask annoying/flattering/perfectly reasonble
But I digress.
The truth is that November passed without a single update, and now I must focus my brillant analysis on the Christmas season.
Decorations of varying quaility are popping up all over the country. In Dallas we watched them erect a three-story evergreen at the Galleria Mall (it was the only free entertainment there and I sure wasn't buying anything at that overpriced pit with 7.5% sales tax). On a recent flight a particularly antsy New Yorker showed me shots from the top of the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree. His business had just finished the wiring, and it wasn't even lit yet, but I saw the multi-million dollar star and NYC through the branches. It almost made up for the fact that he crowed my galley for about three hours. I've put up a few humble strands of lights around my window and of course there are the giant plastic illumminated candles on the steps of mi casa in Jersey. There are no inflatable winterscapes among the windchimes and garden scuptures yet, but there's still time.
As for destinations, November wasn't really exciting. In fact, the best layover I had was DC for Thankgiving. There's nothing quite like going home in the middle of a four-day trip and filling up on free food to lift one's spirts.
It was however, a month of good crews. Overall, I got along great with my co-workers and I've been around long enough now that I run into people I know all over the airport and at the layover hotels.
On the trip to Dallas I flew with one girl that really reminded me of myself a year ago. Execpt for the fact that she was 22, on a break from school and living at home in PA with her parents and boyfriend (yeah, same house), it was like looking in a mirror.
And, not only did I encourage her to perservere in her career choice, but I also taught her that cool trick where you put dry ice in a cup of water. Seniority rocks.
woohoo! you're back!